Our Services
Our team is capable of providing a full suite of services in a diverse range of project delivery methods, and can work effectively with whatever method is chosen by the client.
Our team is capable of providing a full suite of services in a diverse range of project delivery methods, and can work effectively with whatever method is chosen by the client.
We are full service general contractor. Planning, directing, and coordinating a wide variety of construction projects is our specialty. Krawford Construction has established a reputation for completing quality projects on schedule and within budget guidelines. This reputation is a proud reflection of Krawford’s commitment to quality craftsmanship, innovative building methods, and detailed cost analysis and control.
Krawford Construction is an avid proponent of the construction management model of project delivery, having long been an innovator in the field. Our experienced team will work with the client’s design team and provide expertise regarding cost control, materials selection, value engineering, quality control, and construction methodology. This project team concept allows strict budget and cost control while ensuring the client’s needs are met. This flexible contractual agreement is especially advantageous in fast track or complex projects.
We have established solid relationships with a number of skilled professional designers and specialist consultants, and we can recommend a consulting team or work with a team selected by the client. As a leader on the design/build team, Krawford Construction will work with the client to define project scope, and then with the design team to provide a full range of services, from cost control to plan analysis, before proceeding with preparations of plans and specifications and ultimately with construction.
Krawford Construction is an avid proponent of the construction management model of project delivery, having long been an innovator in the field. Our experienced team will work with the client’s design team and provide expertise regarding cost control, materials selection, value engineering, quality control, and construction methodology. This project team concept allows strict budget and cost control while ensuring the client’s needs are met. This flexible contractual agreement is especially advantageous in fast track or complex projects.